Thursday, June 18, 2009

Challenge # 3 My Favorite Things

The grommets really hold it together!
Just zooming in on each mini layout!

I love the element of surprise on the inside.

Whew! I'm finally done! It took me a while to finish this one. I couldn't quite finish the layout entirely until school was completely over. The last few days were draining. But now that I'm on vacation mode, I'm recharged and ready to seize the summer days ahead.

Anyhow, this layout started out pretty simple. I just wanted to "knock it out "by using the baseball card sleeves to highlight favorite patterned papers. Then, all of a sudden each rectangle became a "mini layout" in itself. So, the simple idea got more complicated and if that wasn't enough, I wanted to add more to it. I was not completely satisfied with the look of it. For me, it needed a little bit more " Umph!" So, I ended up using these gold grommets to attach it to a 12x12 cardstock. The grommets were heavy and solid enough to hold the plastic sleeve and cardstock together. Once I did that, it all came together. It's kinda busy looking, I think. But That's just me. A busy bee! Enjoy!

ps. I journaled a list of my favorite things on the inside.
Just a general list of things...
buttons & brads
rub-ons & stickers
anything chipboard
borders & ribbon
mists, paint, & ink
patterned paper
hole punches

Merci Beaucoup,


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! Love the element of surprise, Nette! You are so dang creative and imaginative...LOVE IT!!! Love the "real" grommets used on the layout -- look @ you being resourceful in utilizing non-scrapbook items! TOO COOL FOR WORDS!!!!

  2. girl, this is SO you! i love it! rock on with your grommet...and i love how the page lifts! love the birds, love the hambly rub-on, love it all! xo

  3. You are just so natural at this! I absolutely love everything about this page. So clever with the cutting up the baseball card holder for the picture! Totally mind blowing! I can not wait to see what comes next from your creative mind :) xoxo
