Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Challenge #6 - On Motherhood

Has it really been a month since we've last blogged or scrapped?! That's ok - that means we were out enjoying every minute of our summer and spending quality time with our families :) Since we took a break from scrapping, I'm going to make our next challenge very easy.

Back history on how I came up with this challenge. In a recent discussion with my mom, I was surprised to find out that she knows how to fix a leaky faucet & change a broken garage door. All because she was forced to learn when she was a Navy mom and raising us 3 kids by herself. She told me of the frustrations and challenges she had being a single mom for years at at time.

It got me thinking. How cool would it be to record our reflections on motherhood. You could scrap about your own mom, a mother figure or being a mom yourself.

Here is mine:

Journaling reads: "Half the time I don't know what I'm doing. At times I get so frustrated. Sometimes I doubt myself. A few times I have cried. But when I get one of these smiles, totally worth it. Wouldn't trade it for the world. Sept 2009"