Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Year Challenge 

I took this idea from Studio Calico's Stephanie Howell and put my own twist to it. I wanted to do something different than write New Year's resolutions that I would most likely break. Instead I made a list of things I will do and things I won't do. Short and sweet. I took some Pink Paislee ledger paper and just started to stick label stickers wherever I felt like. There is no rhythm or reason to it. Kinda crazy and sporatic - not my style at all but I like how it turned out. The majority of things on my list revolve around the fact that I am way too hard on myself. I do realize that and I want to change. Aren't we our own worst enemies? I'm happy to say that I've already got a head start with getting new makeup with Wena :) The one thing that I was very vague about was "I won't buy what I don't need". The real goal I made with Abby is that I won't buy any other scrapbook related things until May 2010 besides my monthly Studio Calico subscription. Yikes! That's the one thing on the list that I'm afraid I won't be able to keep. Hence - why I was so vague on my layout. Is that cheating? heehee! Thanks for the great challenge Abby! I can't wait to see what everybody else does. xoxo


  1. I LOVE IT Jenny!! We are our worst enemies...why is that so? Doesn't it feel good to just write these down (in a fancy layout no less)? It's good for the soul, I think. New year, new goals...New You! ...well sorta. :) xoxo

  2. This is FABULOUS! I love the crazy and spontaneous look of this layout. Such a cool way to display your personal goals! Makes my eyes wander all over the page. Love it! It's genius, I say! Can't wait to get started!
